Terms of Use
In response to queries...
You may NOT gather graphics to give away like I do here. This includes making them into digital stamps or brushes or alternate file types.
Do not distribute these graphics as they are in any form. Please direct people here for them instead.
Do not hotlink to the images or download files.
Why not? Oh! because of stuff like this .
Anything else - go for it! all graphics may be used how you wish. A link back would be sooo nice but not required.
Right - that's it. Back to the good stuff - ready to download and make something? Get that creative muse to work? Great! Let's go!
You could start by seeing one way to colour the dame in the pic and getting colouring sheets to
have a go yourself . There's a special treat there too...
240720 - 2023-07-18 05:05:32
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