Scrapbooking Canvas Mixed Media Art
Scrapbooking is very popular these days as I am sure you have noticed. It has it's own sub-culture and level of adoring creative fans.
I am quickly becoming one of these adoring fans of paper craft, stickers, stamps, embellishments and more.
So I thought I would combine some scrapbooking ideas onto a canvas for a little bit of fun.
Art and Craft Supplies
1 x small Canvas
Stencils that you like
Impasto Medium
A bank card
Acrylic Paints
Mont Marte Pastel Gliders or Fabre-Castell Gelatos
Wooden Flourishes
A printed image
Gilders Paste - Baroque Art
Gel Medium
Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish
Step 1:
Paint a layer or two of Gesso over the canvas, wash your brush in water. Let it dry, or you can speed up the process by using a hair dryer.
Gesso Canvas let dry
Step 2:
Take your feature stencil out, grab the impasto medium and an old unused bank card.
Place the stencil on the dry canvas where you would like to create a textured surface. I put the writing stencil in the centre.
Scoop some impasto medium onto the stencil and use the old bank card to scrape the medium across the image, ensuring that all parts of the stencil you would like to have on the canvas are well covered.
Hold firm while applying the impasto medium.
When done, lift the stencil carefully and leave the impasto medium stencil image to dry. You can speed up the process using a hair dryer.
Save left over impasto medium into an air tight container for use in other creative projects.
Wash the stencil and bank card with warm soapy water.
Impasto Stencil Texture on Canvas
Step 3:
Carefully remove Wood Flourishes from the packet. They are super delicate and break easily (as I found out...) So, if you want them in one piece, be extra careful. They come with double sided tape on them so you can just stick them to the canvas wherever you would like them to be.
Wood Flourishes Applied to Canvas
Step 4:
Apply another coat or two of Gesso to the whole canvas, ensuring that you get all the nooks and crannies on the wood flourishes. You can leave them neutral but I wanted mine to blend with the image, so I painted them.
Canvas with Gesso
Adding Gesso to the impasto medium and flourishes allows the paints to adhere much better to the surface once dry.
Step 5:
This is where you can be as creative as you like. Use stencils to layer colours onto the canvas, add stickers, whatever you fancy. Play, that's what this is all about.
I layer whatever colours appeal to me as I go
I used a mixture of acrylic paint that I layered on the canvas and dabbed off with a wet rag, then once these layers dried, I used the Monte Marte Pastel Gliders to give the colours more vibrancy.
Pastel Gliders are fun to work with and bring out beautiful tones
I used my finger to blend colours so that this reduced the potential of the stunning colours becoming 'muddied'.
Step 6:
I wanted a silver/gold tone to the canvas, so I brushed on a small amount of Gilders Paste, German Silver. It takes about 12 hours to dry properly, so it often looks better the longer you leave it to dry.
Gilders Paste Applied
Step 7:
Grab any stickers and paper images you like and begin to consider where you would like them in your artwork.
I found a sweet bird that fit well with the colours of my art work and a sticker from the scrapbooking shop that had an antique feel to it. Stickers do not adhere well to Gilders Paste, so I used Gel Medium to brush the sticker and the bird over and layer them down.
Cut out your image to stick to the canvas
Gel Medium goes on a milky white colour and dries clear. It is also waterproof.
Use a dry brush with your Gel Medium and when finished wash it up in warm, soapy water.
I then left the canvas to dry overnight.
Step 8:
The next day apply a thin coat of Liquitex Gloss Medium & Varnish or you can use Gel Medium to seal the canvas.
Stick image and sticker to the canvas with a little Gel Medium, then apply Varnish or Gel Medium to the whole canvas to seal it
Wash brushes up in warm, soapy water to clean.
Both the vanish and the gel medium will be tacky for some time as they dry. You can continue to add to your canvas work with further embellishments once this part is dry.
The best thing about these types of creative projects, is that you make them your own through your personal individual tastes.
Somethings work, some don't but it's all about experimenting until you find a mixed media art form that works for you.
240591 - 2023-07-18 05:03:20