Draw a Dog in MS Paint
This is the fourth of a series of nine easy to follow lessons where you can learn to draw in MS Paint. We will make a Dog this time.
Read through the tutorial first.
If you do not understand how to do any steps in this tutorial, go back to previous lessons. The first three lessons
Make A Panda ,
Make A Bear and Mouse and
Make A Rabbit have more detail of the steps.
Open MS Paint. Go to Start/All Programs/Accessories/Paint.
Size your canvas. Go to Image/Attributes
A nice size to work with is 8 inches by 7 inches.
See how to do this -
Paint Tips for Tutorials
Select the Ellipse tool and make 2 shapes for the head and ear. Choose the Bucket tool to change the color of the ear. You can undo any mistake by pressing Ctrl Z or going to Edit/Undo in the Edit menu.
Choose the Transparent Background function. The ear needs to be on a slant, so select it.
Right click the selection and go to Stretch and Skew. Set the Horizontal Skew to 30 degrees and click OK.
You could use the Image menu or Ctrl W to get the Stretch and Skew window.
While the ear is selected, press Ctrl to make a copy.
Move it where it should be and release the click to place it.
Select the other ear and move into place.
Right click the selection and go to Flip and Rotate. Check the Flip horizontal button and click OK. Choose the Ellipse tool and a color and make the eyes and nose.
You could use the Image menu or Ctrl R to get the Flip and Rotate window.
Make the mouth. Choose the Line tool and a thickness for it. Make a short line for the mouth.
The ear is still selected. Move it into place.
Time to make more! Choose the Select tool and transparent background function. Select your rabbit.
Move the other ear into place.
Choose the Ellipse tool and a color and make the snout.
Change the foreground color and make the eyes and nose.
Make the smiley mouth. Making a curve is a two-part process. Select the Curve tool and a thickness for it. Make a short line.
Click beneath and somewhere near the middle of the short line. Remember you can undo any mistake by pressing Ctrl Z or going to Edit/Undo in the Edit menu.
Let’s have a litter of them. Select the dog.
Holding the Ctrl key, click and drag your rabbit to make as many copies as you wish.
Select the Bucket tool and new foreground colors to make the rabbits different from each other. Just click in the parts you want to change with your new color.
Save your work. Go to File/Save As, give your work a name and save as a BMP, JPG or TIFF file so you can use them later.
Very good job!
Have fun! :)
Go to the next lesson -
Draw a Frog in MS Paint
Go to the start of the series -
Draw a Panda in MS Paint
Help Files
Learn to Draw in MS Paint
Make a Blank Canvas in MS Paint
MS Paint Tips for Tutorials
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