ATR Colouring Page 1
Herein begins a new series of whole colouring pages for women.
Just like out of the old gangster movies hehehe. These dames are sexy, have gorgeous hair styles and accessories. I love the outfits!
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As with the other pages of this ilk - the page is ultra versatile -
Useful for hands on activity:
Journals - personal, creative and art
Projects - mixed media, altered art and craft
Useful for brain activity: (You know the old saying - use it or lose it!):
Qualities - foster imagination, expression and creativity
Use the images as writing or art prompts.
Creative - make up stories
Personal - see how the graphic/s relate to you.
Get out your scissors and go nuts!
Source: All True Romance 007 - Public Domain
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colouring pages to work your creative magic on!
240687 - 2023-07-18 05:04:56