Art Diary Stamping Fun Project
Since Scrapbooking exploded in popularity, the stamp options seem endless and how you choose to use them is only limited to imagination.
I decided to take some of my clear stamps and create a fun project in my Visual Art Diary to give you more simple ideas to create images.
Art and Craft Supplies
1 x Art Diary - any size you like
Printed papers that you like the look or colour
Mont Marte Pastel Gliders or other water colours
Coloured pens for edging
Stamps - I use clear stamps that stick on an acrylic base
Ink - any colour you like
Baby Wipe
Paint brush - size is your choice
Your Imagination
Step 1
Place your stamps on the acrylic base and pat the ink pad and begin to place the images down on the art diary page in a pattern that appeals to you.
Clear stamps on the acrylic base and inked impressions on paper are shown here
I have used a mixture of stamps. I use the baby wipe to remove any excess ink from the stamp before applying them to the paper.
A teddy bear picking flowers, hearts with a 'love' banner, a butterfly and another flower to help tie the images together. I also used a text stamp at the top to give contrast.
This photo shows the stamps beginning to create a feature design in the centre of the page
Step 2
Tear up the pattern paper and begin to design a boarder around your feature image.
Glue paper to the edges and have lots of fun.
Here I have started to rip the printed papers and create a border
Step 3
Add colour. I used Pastel Gliders to block in colour and then took my paintbrush with a little water to create a watercolour/painterly effect.
Blocking in colours before and after the border is applied to page
You can use water colours if you prefer. Then I continued to had the borders and blend the colours into the frame.
layer colours on the page
Continue to layer colours into the feature are of the artwork and blend with the boarders. I was careful to leave the stamped images as white as possible. I wanted to spend time making them 'pop' off the page with pen and watercolours.
Blend more colours around stamped images and with the boarder
Step 4
Take your coloured pens or a black fine-line marker pen and begin to trace the stamps to make them 'pop' out of the artwork.
Begin to trace the stamps with coloured pens
Step 5
I used a mixture of watercolour, pastel gliders with water and coloured felt-tip pens with a black fine-line marker to shade the stamped images and bring them to life on the page.
Wash in watercolours or hatch across sections of the stamps with coloured pens to give the feature life and vibrancy
When you do this, you give the artwork a life of it's own and have a lot of fun seeing the whole image come together.
Your artwork is now complete
Keeping a Visual Diary is a great way for you to explore your subject matter, different techniques and media.
It also becomes a living representation of your relationship with image.
240592 - 2023-07-18 05:03:26